Thursday, February 26, 2009

IHA News Update

The most recent news from the IHA is cut and pasted below. Items of particular interest to healthcare quality professionals are in red.

State Requests Potential Stimulus Project Information

Indiana is seeking information on projects that could be eligible for federal funds through both last year’s Supplemental Appropriations Disaster Relief Opportunity legislation and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. More information on this data collection process is available from the Center for Business and Economic Research at Ball State University:

The state will be launching a new Web site to receive applications for stimulus funding, but for now we suggest using the documents on this Web site as a guide for what information the state will require.

IHA continues to encourage members to prepare information on potential “shovel-ready” capital projects, disaster-related construction and repair, health information technology initiatives, and energy efficiency projects. Not all of these projects will be eligible for stimulus dollars, but it is still unclear as to how some of the programs will be implemented. IHA continues to engage the state regarding distribution of the stimulus funding, but please keep these points in mind as you prioritize your efforts:

  • Most of the health IT funding will flow directly to hospitals and physicians through a specific formula of incentive payments beginning in 2010 or 2011.

  • There is likely no large pool of money available that would allow hospitals to jump-start or complete capital projects, however, the bill did increase funding for certain existing programs like Community Development Block Grants and rural hospital loans/grants under the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act.

  • Most of the dollars, if not all, for construction are going to be distributed through state and local government. IHA encourages you to contact local officials and ask for their assistance with any “shovel-ready” projects.

  • Perhaps the best strategy might be to offer to assist local officials in supporting local infrastructure projects that would indirectly benefit your hospital, such as nearby local road and street improvements.

Hospital Day Approaching; Register for March 10 Event

Hospital Day at the Statehouse 2009 is less than two weeks away. The event will provide hospital leaders the opportunity for relationship building with legislators. You can make a Statehouse visit from 3-4:30 p.m. and/or invite your legislator to the Legislator Reception at the Eiteljorg Museum from 4:30-6:30 p.m. Call your legislators now to invite them to the reception.

Hospital Day will also feature a luncheon panel discussion and an issues briefing from IHA’s government relations team. Gov. Daniels is expected to address the IHA membership. Visit the
Hospital Day Web page to learn more. To register, visit

Save the Date; e-Health Care Program Set for April 23

Save the date; IHA will host e-Health Care Transformation: Demystifying the Stimulus Bill HITECH Provisions on April 23 at the Montage, Indianapolis. The program will provide an overview of the economic stimulus package provisions for information technology and a practical approach to spending stimulus dollars on heath IT projects.

Dr. J. Marc Overhage, director of medical informatics at the Regenstrief Institute and CEO of the Indiana Health Information Exchange, will also discuss a strategy to expand health information technology throughout Indiana using state allocations in the stimulus package. Members will also be invited to participate in two breakout sessions of their choice. Topics include medical identity theft red flags, mandated e-prescribing, HIPAA privacy and security requirement changes, and the implementation of telehealth to address workforce shortage issues. Registration information will be available in the near future.

IHA to Host Part Two of Accreditation Webinar Series

Secure your spot for part two of IHA’s Accreditation Alternatives Series. The educational webinar is set for March 12 from 3:30-5 p.m., EDT. The program will feature Joint Commission Executive Vice President Ann Scott Blouin who will speak on hospital standards and accreditation changes for the new Joint Commission’s deemed status application. In addition, a panel of Indiana hospitals that have achieved HFAP and ISO 9001 certification will share their experiences—highlighting strengths, weaknesses, and lessons learned.

All c-level leaders, board members, quality professionals, Joint Commission liaisons, compliance officers, and hospital legal counsel are encouraged to attend. The price for the webinar is $100 per connection. If your hospital participated in the DNV Accreditation webinar on Jan. 20—part one of the series, there is no registration fee. A discount code will be provided. To register, visit
The registration deadline is March 10.

Nursing Leaders Should Attend Retention Briefing

Indiana’s nursing leaders are encouraged to attend Engaging and Retaining Nurses: A Prescription for Redesign in Tough Economic Times. The program is set for March 18 at the Hilton Indianapolis North. Following the session, participants will have: an understanding of the role nurse retention plays in effective and efficient care; knowledge of Transforming Care at the Bedside—its principles, processes, and outcomes; an understanding of “vitality” and its contribution to nurse retention and care redesign; tools for measuring and improving vitality among nurses and other caregivers; a framework for developing nursing leadership competencies to support innovation; and techniques to engage frontline staff. To register, visit

Three Labor Unions for Nurses to Merge

The United American Nurses, California Nurses Association, and Massachusetts Nurses Association will merge to form a new labor union for registered nurses, called the United American Nurses-National Nurses Organizing Committee. Among other priorities, the group says it is resolved to organize all non-union direct-care nurses, advocate for nurse-to-patient staffing ratios, and create a national pension for union RNs.

Red Flag Rule Enforcement to Begin in May

Enforcement of the regulations commonly known as the "red flag rules” will begin in May. Hospitals must identify patterns, practices, and specific activities that could result in a risk of identity theft. Hospitals must implement procedures that mitigate these activities.

IHA’s general counsel, Hall Render Killian Heath and Lyman, has created an implementation guide to assist members in meeting these new regulatory obligations. The cost is $500. If you have any questions regarding medical identity theft, the red flag rules, or require assistance in implementing a program consistent with these new regulatory obligations, contact Michael Batt at 317/ 977-1417 or or Jeff Short at 317/977-1413 or

Culture of Safety Training Sessions Set for March

The Indiana Patient Safety Center will host training sessions for hospitals interested in participating in the Culture of Safety Survey Program. More than 35,000 Indiana health professionals and physicians are participating.

The program uses a Web-based application of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality safety culture instrument. The AHRQ survey allows hospital leaders to gain insight into the perceptions of employees and physicians related to the culture of patient safety within each hospital. The results will provide baseline data from which to measure the impact of hospital-specific and statewide safety interventions.

To participate, each hospital must designate an on-site administrator. Designated survey administrators should participate in a one-hour, Web-based training session.

Training sessions are set for:

March 13: 10 a.m., EDT

March 17: 11 a.m., EDT

E-mail Betsy Lee, director, Indiana Patient Safety Center, at, if you are interested in participating in a training session.

Registration Now Open for IHA Management Institute

Registration is now open for the IHA Management Institute set to begin June 29. Classes will be held from June 29 to Dec.14 in Indianapolis. The program provides high impact education for new and experienced hospital leaders covering a range of topics from management style to financial management. Sponsored by IHA and the Indiana University School of Public and Environmental Affairs, the institute consists of 10 classes designed to meet the needs of hospital managers. Those successfully completing nine of the 10 courses will qualify for the Certified Health Care Manager designation. A full program brochure is posted on the
Management Institute Web page. To register, visit

CMS Says Spending on Hospital Services to Slow

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services reported that growth in U.S. spending on hospital services is expected to slow as use of services slows along with personal income. The recession is also expected to slow the growth in private health spending to a 15-year low. As more people lose their jobs and employer-based insurance, spending by public insurance programs is expected to rise. CMS projects Medicare’s Hospital Insurance Trust Fund could be exhausted one to three years sooner than projected by Medicare trustees last year. The CMS report was published online by Health Affairs.

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