Saturday, October 17, 2009

IHI Assembles Leadership Resources to Assist with Crisis Management

The Institute for Healthcare Improvement ( recently assembled a set of resources to assist hospital executives with effective crisis management.

At the core of the resources page is a power point presentation (and soon to be publication) from Jim Conway, Senior VP of IHI, summarizing what a well coordinated crisis management plan would look like when put into action. The page is then peppered with a series of resources and links to other sites describing recent adverse events and how they were handled.

The Jim Conway presentaton is

The IHI resource site is

1 comment:

  1. Ed, good to see you show up on my google reader and it's wonderful that you are telling people about the IHI resources for Crisis Management. Thanks.

    The White Paper "Respectful Management of Serious Clinical Adverse Events" is also now avaible on the same website.

    Best wishes and questions always welcome.

    Jim Conway
