Monday, March 9, 2009

IHA News Update - March 4, 2009

The most recent IHA News Update is cut and pasted below. Items of particular interest to Healthcare Quality Professionals are in red.

Stimulus Web Site Launched; Projects Due Monday
Indiana has launched a new Web site,, dedicated to information on the federal stimulus legislation. Of particular interest to hospitals is the section on competitive grants. Hospitals should submit information on potential shovel-ready projects through this Web site. The definition of shovel-ready is: infrastructure projects which have already been thoroughly designed by architects and engineers such that they are ready to be put out for bid for construction. The deadline for submission is Monday.

Although the portal has changed from the Ball State Web site, communicated to you earlier, project information is being collected using the same forms and process. If your hospital has already submitted projects through the BSU Web site it is not necessary to resubmit that information.

Session Hits Halfway Point, Bill Track Updated
The 2009 legislative session has reached the halfway point. Bills have either changed houses or “died”. This year, over 1,700 bills were introduced and only about 450 bills remain. IHA’s Bill Track has been updated and there will be limited action this week as committee hearings are just getting underway.

In addition to active bills, the Bill Track shows several bills that are dead and unlikely to be revived this session. Three bills failing to advance dealt with assignment of benefits. SB 75, authored by Sen. Beverly Gard (R-Greenfield), was strongly supported by provider groups but failed on third reading. The bill was not defeated, but lacked a constitutional majority at 25-24.
View the latest Bill Track.

30 Percent Response Rate Needed for AHA Survey
IHA is encouraging community hospitals to participate in an AHA survey—The Economic Crisis: Ongoing Monitoring of Impact on Hospitals. The survey will be fielded later this week. If the response rate in Indiana is at least 30 percent, IHA will receive a copy of the data for its own state analysis.

IHA President’s Op-Ed Featured in Indy Star
The Indianapolis Star published an opinion editorial by IHA President Douglas J. Leonard regarding the need to pass House Bill 1213, establishing smoke-free workplaces for Hoosiers.
Read the article.

Hospital Day Set for Next Week; Register Now
Hospital Day at the Statehouse 2009 is next week. So far, nearly 40 Indiana policymakers have registered for the Legislator Reception at the Eiteljorg Museum from 4:30-6:30 p.m. Gov. Daniels is also expected to address the IHA membership. To register, visit

HHS Adopts Modified Medical Data Code Sets
The Department of Health and Human Services released a final rule modifying medical data code set standards. The rule replaces the code sets now used to report health care diagnoses and hospital procedures with greatly expanded code sets. The final rule is available at

CMS Begins Dry Run on Nine Quality Measures
On March 2, CMS began a “dry run” for nine patient safety and inpatient quality indicators that will be used to determine payment updates for FY 2009. The dry run provides hospitals the opportunity to review their performance and provide CMS with feedback. Hospital-specific reports can be accessed via
QualityNet Exchange. Calculations featured on the dry run reports will be based on Medicare claims for 2006. These reports will not be used in any payment determinations, nor will it be publicly reported. The dry run is intended to familiarize hospitals with these performance measures prior to implementing them for public reporting on Hospital Compare later this year.

IHA Accreditation Webinar Set for March 12
IHA's Accreditation Alternatives webinar is set for March 12 from 3:30 to 5 p.m. The program will feature Joint Commission Executive Vice President Dr. Ann Scott Blouin. Dr. Blouin is responsible for oversight of the accreditation and certification programs for more than 15,000 health care organizations. She will speak on the Joint Commission’s hospital standards and accreditation changes for the new deemed status application.

Additionally, a panel of Indiana hospital representatives will share their experiences with HFAP and ISO 9001 certification. The cost is $100 per connection. It is free to those who participated in the Jan. 20 accreditation webinar. The registration deadline is March 10. To register, visit

Registration Deadline for Retention Briefing is March 10
March 10 is the registration deadline for Engaging and Retaining Nurses: A Prescription for Redesign in Tough Economic Times. Nurse leaders should register now to secure a spot. The program will be held March 18 at the Hilton Indianapolis North. Presenters from the Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s Transforming Care at the Bedside initiative will lead a discussion on the role nurse retention plays in effective and efficient care. They will also focus on Transforming Care at the Bedside principles, processes, and outcomes. To register, visit

Program to Focus on Stimulus Provisions, Register Now
Register now for e-Health Care Transformation: Demystifying the Stimulus Bill HITECH Provisions. It is set for April 23 at the Montage, Indianapolis. The program will provide an overview of the economic stimulus package and explain in detail provisions that will directly impact hospitals including allocations for information technology projects and the significant changes to HIPAA requirements.

Participants will attend two breakout sessions. Topics will include medical identity theft red flags, mandated e-prescribing, HIPAA privacy and security requirement changes, and the implementation of telehealth to address workforce shortage issues. To register, visit

IHA Members, Affiliates Among Best Places to Work
Several IHA members and affiliate organizations were recognized among the 2009 Best Places to Work in Indiana by the Indiana Chamber of Commerce. Those recognized include:

  • BSA LifeStructures, Indianapolis
  • Clark Memorial Hospital, Jeffersonville
  • Columbus Regional Hospital, Columbus
  • Ernst & Young LLP, Indianapolis
  • Good Samaritan Hospital, Vincennes
  • Goshen Health System, Goshen
  • Hancock Regional Hospital, Greenfield
  • Ice Miller LLP, Indianapolis
  • Schneck Medical Center, Seymour
  • St. Joseph Hospital, Kokomo
  • Union Hospital Health Group, Terre Haute
  • Blue & Co. LLC, Carmel
  • Hall Render Killian Heath & Lyman PC, Indianapolis

Regenstrief Institute Receives WHO Designation
The World Health Organization has designated the Regenstrief Institute as its first Center for Medical Informatics. The four-year designation directly connects Regenstrief's medical informatics group with a larger international collaboration of experts. The WHO and Regenstrief Institute will work together on the Open Medical Record System—a free electronic medical record system available to physicians and other health-care providers in countries with limited resources.

Indiana Trauma Evaluation Report Now Available
The final report from the American College of Surgeons’ evaluation of Indiana’s trauma system is now available on the IHA Web site. The report incorrectly lists motor vehicle registrations as a funding source for the trauma system. A note has been sent to ACS to correct the error.
Read the report.

Join Sprint Action Day Set for March 10
If your hospital has not yet tested the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist, test it on Sprint Action Day set for March 10. The day is designed to support and accelerate testing and use of the checklist. If you have questions regarding implementation of the checklist, participate in a coaching call on March 10 or March 19. When your hospital has tested the checklist, notify Mikell Brown at 317/423-7726 or Learn more at

1 comment:

  1. ||establishing smoke-free workplaces for Hoosiers||
    I am so conflicted regarding legislative bans on smoking. This life-long non-smoker continues to enjoy the benefits of going to restaurants and not having to be marched through the smoking section to get to the non-smoking area, something I have never understood, I certainly understand the health benefits of those who are exposed to second-hand smoke and the impact on our healthcare delivery system has a whole. I struggle with the legislation of civil liberties, where does it end. We already must worry about wire tapping for little reason, now we are going to be told we can smoke on hospital property. I guess we have to go on faith if and when legislation takes things too far members of the 'digital' age will step in and stand up for these freedoms, lets just hope things haven't gone so far out control democracy will be unidentifiable, in the meantime I will enjoy being out in public at Pacer games, restaurants, etc and not be exposed to second-hand smoke.
